Mode of delivery and neonatal respiratory morbidity among HIV-exposed newborns in Latin America and the Caribbean: NISDI Perinatal–LILAC Studies
To evaluate respiratory morbidity (RM) in HIV-exposed newborns according to mode of delivery.
The NISDI Perinatal/LILAC prospective cohort studies enrolled HIV-infected pregnant women and their newborns in Latin America and the Caribbean. Associations between RM and delivery mode or other characteristics were evaluated.
Between September 2002 and December 2009, 1630 women were enrolled, and 1443 mother–infant pairs met the inclusion criteria. There were 561 vaginal (VD), 269 cesarean before labor and membrane rupture (SCS) for preventing mother-to-child transmission (SCS–PMTCT), 248 other SCS, and 365 cesarean after labor and/or ruptured membranes (NSCS) deliveries. In total, 108 (7.5%) newborns had RM: 49 had respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), 39 had transient tachypnea (TTN), and 28 had other events (7 newborns had > 1 RM event). Delivery mode was associated with RDS (P < 0.005) and TTN (P < 0.001). The proportion with RDS and TTN was lowest for VD (1.6% and 0.5%, respectively), highest for NSCS (4.9% and 4.7%), and intermediate for SCS–PMTCT (3.0% and 2.6%). Newborns with RDS or TTN were hospitalized longer (median + 1 day) than those without. A minority required ventilatory support (RDS, 24.5%–28.6%; TTN, 2.6%–15.4%).
SCS–PMTCT is relatively safe for newborns of HIV-infected women.