Volume 57, Issue 4 p. 573-581
Original Paper
Free Access

Pregnancy and neonatal outcomes of COVID-19: coreporting of common outcomes from PAN-COVID and AAP-SONPM registries

E. Mullins

E. Mullins

Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London, London, UK

Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

E.M. and M.L.H. contributed equally to this study.

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M. L. Hudak

M. L. Hudak

Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL, USA

E.M. and M.L.H. contributed equally to this study.

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J. Banerjee

J. Banerjee

Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

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T. Getzlaff

T. Getzlaff

Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL, USA

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J. Townson

J. Townson

Centre for Trials Research, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

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K. Barnette

K. Barnette

Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL, USA

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R. Playle

R. Playle

Centre for Trials Research, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

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A. Perry

A. Perry

Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London, London, UK

Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

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T. Bourne

T. Bourne

Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London, London, UK

Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

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C. C. Lees

Corresponding Author

C. C. Lees

Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London, London, UK

Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

Correspondence to: Prof. C. C. Lees, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Imperial College London, Du Cane Road, London W12 0HS, UK (e-mail: [email protected])Search for more papers by this author
PAN-COVID investigators and the National Perinatal COVID-19 Registry Study Group

PAN-COVID investigators and the National Perinatal COVID-19 Registry Study Group

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First published: 23 February 2021
Citations: 206




Few large cohort studies have reported data on maternal, fetal, perinatal and neonatal outcomes associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in pregnancy. We report the outcome of infected pregnancies from a collaboration formed early during the pandemic between the investigators of two registries, the UK and Global Pregnancy and Neonatal outcomes in COVID-19 (PAN-COVID) study and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Neonatal–Perinatal Medicine (SONPM) National Perinatal COVID-19 Registry.


This was an analysis of data from the PAN-COVID registry (1 January to 25 July 2020), which includes pregnancies with suspected or confirmed maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection at any stage in pregnancy, and the AAP-SONPM National Perinatal COVID-19 registry (4 April to 8 August 2020), which includes pregnancies with positive maternal testing for SARS-CoV-2 from 14 days before delivery to 3 days after delivery. The registries collected data on maternal, fetal, perinatal and neonatal outcomes. The PAN-COVID results are presented overall for pregnancies with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and separately in those with confirmed infection.


We report on 4005 pregnant women with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (1606 from PAN-COVID and 2399 from AAP-SONPM). For obstetric outcomes, in PAN-COVID overall and in those with confirmed infection in PAN-COVID and AAP-SONPM, respectively, maternal death occurred in 0.5%, 0.5% and 0.2% of cases, early neonatal death in 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.3% of cases and stillbirth in 0.5%, 0.6% and 0.4% of cases. Delivery was preterm (< 37 weeks' gestation) in 12.0% of all women in PAN-COVID, in 16.1% of those women with confirmed infection in PAN-COVID and in 15.7% of women in AAP-SONPM. Extreme preterm delivery (< 27 weeks' gestation) occurred in 0.5% of cases in PAN-COVID and 0.3% in AAP-SONPM. Neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection was reported in 0.9% of all deliveries in PAN-COVID overall, in 2.0% in those with confirmed infection in PAN-COVID and in 1.8% in AAP-SONPM; the proportions of neonates tested were 9.5%, 20.7% and 87.2%, respectively. The rates of a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) neonate were 8.2% in PAN-COVID overall, 9.7% in those with confirmed infection and 9.6% in AAP-SONPM. Mean gestational-age-adjusted birth-weight Z-scores were −0.03 in PAN-COVID and −0.18 in AAP-SONPM.


The findings from the UK and USA registries of pregnancies with SARS-CoV-2 infection were remarkably concordant. Preterm delivery affected a higher proportion of women than expected based on historical and contemporaneous national data. The proportions of pregnancies affected by stillbirth, a SGA infant or early neonatal death were comparable to those in historical and contemporaneous UK and USA data. Although maternal death was uncommon, the rate was higher than expected based on UK and USA population data, which is likely explained by underascertainment of women affected by milder or asymptomatic infection in pregnancy in the PAN-COVID study, although not in the AAP-SONPM study. The data presented support strong guidance for enhanced precautions to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy, particularly in the context of increased risks of preterm delivery and maternal mortality, and for priority vaccination of pregnant women and women planning pregnancy. Copyright © 2021 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.



Resultados del embarazo y neonatales de COVID-19: informe conjunto de resultados comunes de los registros PAN-COVID y AAP-SONPM


Pocos estudios de cohortes grandes han publicado datos sobre los resultados maternos, fetales, perinatales y neonatales asociados a la infección por el coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo 2 (SRAS-CoV-2) en el embarazo. Este estudio informa de los resultados de los embarazos con infección a partir de una colaboración formada a principios de la pandemia entre los investigadores de dos registros, a saber, el estudio sobre Resultados del Embarazo y Neonatales del Reino Unido y Globales en COVID-19 (PAN-COVID) y el Registro Nacional Perinatal de COVID-19 de la Sección de Medicina Neonatal-Perinatal (SONPM, por sus siglas en inglés) de la Academia Americana de Pediatría (AAP).


Se analizaron los datos del registro PAN-COVID (del 1 de enero al 25 de julio de 2020), que incluye embarazos con sospecha de infección materna o confirmada por el SRAS-CoV-2 en cualquier fase del embarazo, y del Registro Nacional Perinatal COVID-19 de la AAP-SONPM (del 4 de abril al 8 de agosto de 2020), que incluye embarazos con resultados positivos de pruebas maternas para el SRAS-CoV-2 desde 14 días antes del parto hasta 3 días después del mismo. Los registros recolectaron datos sobre los resultados maternos, fetales, perinatales y neonatales. Los resultados de PAN-COVID se presentan en conjunto para los embarazos con sospecha o confirmación de infección por el SRAS-CoV-2 y por separado en aquellos con infección confirmada.


Este estudio informa sobre 4.005 mujeres embarazadas con sospecha o confirmación de infección por SRAS-CoV-2 (1.606 de PAN-COVID y 2.399 de AAP-SONPM). En cuanto a los resultados obstétricos para PAN-COVID en su conjunto y en aquellos con infección confirmada para PAN-COVID y para AAP-SONPM, respectivamente, se produjo la muerte materna en el 0,5%, 0,5% y 0,2% de los casos, la muerte neonatal temprana en el 0,2%, 0,3% y 0,3% de los casos y el éxitus fetal en el 0,5%, 0,6% y 0,4% de los casos. El parto fue prematuro (<37 semanas de gestación) en el 12,0% de todas las mujeres en PAN-COVID, en el 16,1% de las mujeres con infección confirmada en PAN-COVID y en el 15,7% de las mujeres en AAP-SONPM. El parto prematuro extremo (<27 semanas de gestación) se produjo en el 0,5% de los casos en PAN-COVID y en el 0,3% en AAP-SONPM. La infección neonatal por SRAS-CoV-2 se notificó en el 0,9% de todos los partos de PAN-COVID, en el 2,0% de los partos en los que se confirmó la infección en PAN-COVID y en el 1,8% en AAP-SONPM; las proporciones de recién nacidos analizados fueron del 9,5%, 20,7% y 87,2%, respectivamente. Las tasas de recién nacidos pequeños para la edad gestacional (PEG) fueron del 8,2% en el total de PAN-COVID, del 9,7% de PAN-COVID que tenían infección confirmada y del 9,6% en AAP-SONPM. Las puntuaciones Z medias del peso al nacer ajustadas a la edad gestacional fueron de −0,03 en PAN-COVID y de −0,18 en AAP-SONPM.


Los resultados de los registros del Reino Unido y de los Estados Unidos de embarazos con infección por el SRAS-CoV-2 concordaron de forma notable. Los partos prematuros afectaron a una proporción de mujeres mayor de la esperada, de acuerdo con los datos nacionales históricos y contemporáneos. Las proporciones de embarazos afectados por éxitus fetal, un bebé PEG o una muerte neonatal precoz fueron comparables a las de los datos históricos y contemporáneos del Reino Unido y de los Estados Unidos. Aunque la muerte materna fue infrecuente, la tasa fue más alta de lo esperado, de acuerdo con los datos de las poblaciones del Reino Unido y de los Estados Unidos, lo que probablemente se explique por la infravaloración de las mujeres afectadas por una infección más leve o asintomática en el embarazo en el estudio PAN-COVID, aunque no en el estudio de la AAP-SONPM. Los datos presentados apoyan fuertemente las recomendaciones sobre aumentar las precauciones para prevenir la infección por el SRAS-CoV-2 en el embarazo, en particular en relación a un mayor riesgo de parto prematuro y mortalidad materna, y sobre la vacunación prioritaria de las mujeres embarazadas y de las que planean un embarazo. Copyright © 2021 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.



患有COVID-19的孕妇和新生儿的常见预后:来自PAN-COVID以及AAP-SONPM 注册中心的核心报道


很少有大型队列研究报告有关妊娠期间与严重急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒2(SARS-CoV-2)感染相关的母亲,胎儿,围产期和新生儿预后的数据。 我们集结了来自两个注册中心(COVID-19期间英国和全球孕妇和新生儿感染后预后研究中心(PAN-COVID)及美国儿科学院新生儿&围产期医学部门的调查员研究(AAP)在大流行期间早期合作形成孕期感染的数据结果。


这是来自(2020年1月1日至7月25日)PAN-COVID注册中心的数据份心,其中包括在怀孕任何阶段怀疑或确诊母亲SARS-CoV-2感染的病例,以及AAP-SONPM国家围产期COVID-19注册中心的数据分析(2020年4月4日至8月8日),其中包括产前14天到产后3天对孕妇进行SARS-CoV-2检测阳性的案例。这些注册管理机构收集了有关孕产妇,胎儿,围产期和新生儿预后的数据。 这一PAN-COVID注册中心的结果总体上显示了疑似或确诊SARS-CoV-2感染的孕妇,并将确诊者单独列分。


我们报告了4005名怀疑或确诊SARS-CoV-2感染的孕妇(1606例分析从PAN-COVID中获取,而2399例AAP-SONPM中获取)。对于产科的预后,整个PAN-COVID中以及在AAP-SONPM注册中心和PAN-COVID注册中心确诊感染的孕妇中死亡率占0.5%,0.5%和0.2%,新生儿早期死亡分别占0.2%,0.3%和0.3%和死产占了0.5%,0.6%和0.4% 。在整个PAN-COVID研究项目中,早产 (<37周妊娠)占所有女性的12%,其中在PAN-COVID中心确诊的女性中有16.1%,在AAP-SONPM中确诊女性占15.7%。 极度早产(妊娠<27周)发生在PAN-COVID的比例是0.5%而AAP-SONPM占了的0.3%。据报道,新生儿SARS-CoV-2感染占全部PAN-COVID分娩总数的0.9%,确诊为PAN-COVID感染的分娩孕妇占2.0%,AAP-SONPM中则为1.8%;新生儿的检测率分别为9.5%,20.7%和87.2%。PAN-COVID注册中心的小于胎龄新生儿(SGA)率为8.2%,他们中来自PAN-COVID的有9.7%确诊感染,而来自AAP-SONPM注册中心的感染率为9.6%。在PAN-COVID注册中心,平均调整后胎龄的出生体重Z评分在PAN-COVID为-0.03,在AAP-SONPM中为-0.18。


来自英国和美国的SARS-CoV-2孕妇感染注册中心发现相当一致。根据历史和同期国家数据统计,早产对妇女的影响大于预期生产。受死产,小于胎龄儿(SGA)婴儿或新生儿早期死亡影响的怀孕比例与英国和美国历史与同期的数据具有可比性。尽管孕产妇死亡很少见,但根据英国和美国的人口数据该比率高于预期,这可能是由于在PAN-COVID研究中症状较轻或是无症状携带者孕妇人数的不确定性造成的,尽管在SARS-COV-2注册中心并没有发现。 所提供的数据为加强预防SARS-CoV-2 措施,特别是在避免早产和产妇死亡风险增加以及建议孕妇和计划受孕的女性的优先接种疫苗方面,提供了强有力的指导,以加强预防孕妇感染SARS-CoV-2。

版权所有©2021 ISUOG。由John Wiley&Sons 有限公司发布。

What are the novel findings of this work?

Preterm delivery occurred in a higher proportion of women with SARS-CoV-2 infection in the PAN-COVID and AAP-SONPM registries compared to contemporaneous and historical national data from uninfected women in the UK and USA. The majority of preterm deliveries occurred between 32 + 0 and 36 + 6 weeks' gestation. SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy did not appear to be associated with a clinically significant effect on fetal growth, adverse neonatal outcome or the rate of stillbirth. Although maternal death was uncommon, the rate was higher than expected based on UK and USA population data, which is likely explained by underascertainment of women affected by milder or asymptomatic infection in pregnancy in the PAN-COVID study, although not in the AAP-SONPM study.

What are the clinical implications of this work?

Pregnant women should be counseled that SARS-CoV-2 infection increases the risk of preterm delivery but not stillbirth, early neonatal death or a small baby. Healthcare providers should recommend SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in pregnant women and women planning pregnancy, alongside enhanced social distancing.


At the onset of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated pregnant women as a vulnerable group based on preliminary reports of increased risk of stillbirth, preterm birth and fetal growth restriction (FGR) and extrapolation from experience with previous respiratory virus outbreaks, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)1-3 and influenza. SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outcome data, derived predominantly from case series, have reported variably diagnostic testing, maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes and transmission to the neonate4. Clinical outcome appeared to be worse for pregnant compared with non-pregnant women infected with SARS1, 5 or H1N1 influenza1, 6. Pregnant women were assumed to be at heightened risk of morbidity and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 infection, particularly when symptomatic7.

Current knowledge about the effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy has been gathered largely from case reports, case series and population surveillance systems in high-income countries. These data have focused particularly on the maternal outcomes of women with symptomatic disease, and maternal death, stillbirth and neonatal death have been reported to each occur in around 1% of cases in this context8. The risk of an infant testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 is approximately 2.5% in women admitted to hospital with symptomatic disease8. Few reports provide robust evidence of transplacental vertical transmission9.

The results from a living systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that pregnant women with symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection are less likely to present with fever and myalgia and more likely to receive intensive care, to require ventilation and to experience a higher risk of preterm birth compared with non-pregnant women10.

Center-based registries gather case data prospectively on the effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection from healthcare systems around the world and offer both a practical and scalable method to accrue clinical outcome on key research questions from a variety of populations and healthcare systems. Two pregnancy registries in English-speaking countries have analogous aims and a similar design. The UK and Global Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes in COVID-19 (PAN-COVID) study utilizes a dataset that collected outcome data focused on determining the effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the risk of miscarriage, FGR, stillbirth, preterm delivery, vertical transmission (suspected or confirmed) and early-onset symptomatic neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection11. It includes fields on ultrasound diagnosis and neonatal care that are not included in other more general studies. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Neonatal–Perinatal Medicine (SONPM) National Perinatal COVID-19 Registry collects data on women who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in samples obtained from 14 days before delivery to 3 days after delivery. Both registries collected maternal demographic and symptomatology data, as well as perinatal and neonatal outcome. In this study, we report the outcomes of pregnancies with SARS-CoV-2 infection, using data from the PAN-COVID study and the AAP-SONPM National Perinatal COVID-19 Registry.


The PAN-COVID study used a purpose-built Elsevier Macro database and collected outcome data from pregnant women with confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection, who delivered from 1 January 2020 onwards, and their neonates. The PAN-COVID study was sponsored by Imperial College London, London, UK and funded by the United Kingdom Research Institute and the National Institute for Health Research. The protocol for the PAN-COVID study is detailed elsewhere11, and we describe briefly the methodology below. The study had 177 participating centers in the UK and 10 countries around the world. The main objective of the PAN-COVID study was to establish a UK and international disease registry for women with confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy. Women with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection were included because capacity for SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction testing in the UK was limited to hospital-admitted patients until April 2020 and we expected the majority of women with infection not to have received testing before this time. SARS-CoV-2 infection was considered suspected when an untested pregnant woman reported symptoms that her healthcare professionals thought were likely due to SARS-CoV-2. As such, until 30 May 2020, the PAN-COVID study collected data on women with COVID-19-defining symptoms but no confirmatory test, on women who had a positive test and on women with COVID-19 symptoms and a confirmatory test. From 1 July 2020, symptom data on all participants were collected.

The PAN-COVID study focused on the following research question: in women recruited to the PAN-COVID registry with confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection, what were the incidences of miscarriage, FGR, stillbirth, preterm birth and SARS-CoV-2 transmission to the fetus or neonate by vertical or other routes of infection? Recruitment was by verbal consent to limit person-to-person contact during study conduct in the pandemic, and retrospective inclusion was permitted. Weekly contact open sessions were co-ordinated by North West London Clinical Research Network (CRN) and the study management team to motivate staff to recruit and enter data. The UK CRN support network of research midwives was facilitated by Urgent Public Health research designation. The study was registered with ISRCTN (ISRCTN68026880). Regional Ethics Committee and Health Research Authority approval for the study was gained.

The AAP-SONPM National Perinatal COVID-19 Registry collected data via a REDCap database from pregnant women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in specimens obtained from 14 days before delivery to 3 days after delivery and opened on 4 April 2020. The AAP-SONPM study has 288 participating centers across the USA. The AAP-SONPM registry contained information for all maternal/infant dyads entered as of 8 August 2020. The registry rapidly accrued detailed data on pregnancy, perinatal and neonatal outcomes from mother/infant dyads to assess the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection across a range of USA healthcare settings. Each participating site had the protocol reviewed by its institutional review board (IRB). Each of the hundreds of IRBs that performed the review deemed that the protocol did not require informed consent because all submitted data were deidentified. The University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL, USA co-ordinating site undertook: (1) registration of sites after receiving a letter of approval from its IRB to participate and a signed confidentiality agreement from the site investigator that pledged there would be no sharing of any data beyond the deidentified data that were submitted to the central registry; and (2) receipt of deidentified data and sharing of reports with participating sites.



In the PAN-COVID study, assessment of outcome required follow-up by individual healthcare professionals who accessed medical records available routinely to them as part of the clinical care team. When a pregnant woman with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection was registered in the database, they were automatically assigned a unique participant identification number. The limit for data collection was 28 days after the delivery or pregnancy loss of the last woman registered.

AAP-SONPM National Perinatal COVID-19 Registry

In the AAP-SONPM registry, participating investigators extracted outcome data from the hospital electronic medical record and electronically transmitted deidentified data to a REDCap database housed on a secure University of Florida server.

Statistical analysis

The PAN-COVID dataset in the current study was defined as those data records with delivery up to and including 25 July 2020. Prespecified sample size estimation was not carried out in the PAN-COVID study given that the aim of this observational study was to collate the outcome of all consecutive eligible cases in participating centers during an 18-month period from the start of data collection. The PAN-COVID data are reported for all participants with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, up to and including the censor date, as well as separately for the subset of those with confirmed infection, in order to provide a comparison set for the AAP-SONPM dataset, which included only confirmed cases.

The AAP-SONPM dataset in the current study included information for all maternal/infant dyads entered as of 8 August 2020. The AAP-SONPM National Registry was conceived as an observational study, and no a-priori calculation of sample size was performed.

The estimated representative pre-COVID-19 pandemic incidences of miscarriage, small-for-gestational age (SGA) and stillbirth in the UK were 30%, 10%, 0.2% respectively. The corresponding prior assumptions of expected outcome proportions during the COVID-19 pandemic were 40%, 15% and 0.4%, respectively. A sample size of 500 would allow estimation of the width of a 95% CI for the proportion of miscarriage as 40 ± 4.2%, for SGA 15 ± 2.9% and for stillbirth 0.4 ± 0.3%. These figures are meant only as a guide and reference proportions may change over this period. These figures were based on proportions within the UK only; reference proportions vary by country but are of a similar order to those in the UK.

Gestational age (GA) at birth was calculated from the expected due date (EDD) and the date of delivery recorded; the date of the last menstrual period was used when EDD was unavailable. In the PAN-COVID study, in multiple pregnancy, birth weight of the first-born infant was collected, while, in the AAP-SONPM registry, birth weights of all infants were included. In the current study, birth weight was reported for all singletons and first-born multiples with GA between 22 and 45 weeks. Birth-weight Z-scores were calculated according to Fenton et al.12. Birth-weight Z-scores were GA and gender adjusted and limited to be within ± 4. Missing data for neonatal gender, GA and birth weight restricted the number of cases with available data for birth-weight Z-score.

Appropriate quantitative analyses were conducted by a dedicated study statistician (R.P.). Descriptive statistics are presented as n (%) or mean ± SD, as appropriate. Selected outcomes (preterm delivery (22 + 0 to 36 + 6 weeks), intrauterine death (IUD)/stillbirth (> 22 + 0 weeks) and early neonatal death (ENND; ≤ 7 days)) were compared between the two registries using 95% CI for differences13.


From 1 January 2020 to 25 July 2020, 1606 women with confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection at any stage in pregnancy were recruited to the PAN-COVID study; from 4 April 2020 to 8 August 2020, 2399 women with positive maternal testing for SARS-CoV-2 from 14 days before delivery to 3 days after delivery were recruited to the AAP-SONPM registry.

Of the 1606 women in the PAN-COVID dataset, data on pregnancy outcome were available for 1601 (99.7%). Live birth occurred in 1570 (98.1%), miscarriage in 23 (1.4%) and IUD/stillbirth in eight (0.5%) women. A total of 1593 liveborn neonates resulted from one triplet, 21 twin and 1548 singleton gestations. Outcomes relating to the neonates were available for 1475/1593 (92.6%) cases and data for the purposes of calculating birth-weight Z-score were available for 1423/1593 (89.3%) cases. Birth weight was available for 1572 pregnancies. In the AAP-SONPM registry, there were 2399 mothers with 2446 infants (including 47 mothers who delivered a pair of twins) at data censoring on 8 August 2020. Outcome data were available for all mothers and infants. Data for the purposes of calculating birth-weight Z-score were available for 2421 neonates.

Demographic details and symptomatology of the mothers are presented in Table 1 and key outcome measures are presented in Table 2. Mean age of the participating women was 32.0 ± 5.4 years in the PAN-COVID registry and 28.6 ± 8.9 years in the AAP-SONPM registry. Body mass index (BMI) data were collected in the PAN-COVID study only, with mean maternal BMI of 27.8 ± 6.4 kg/m2.

Table 1. Maternal demographics and symptomatology in pregnancies with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in PAN-COVID study, overall and in those with confirmed infection, and in pregnancies with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in AAP-SONPM registry
Variable PAN-COVID AAP-SONPM(n = 2399)
All inclusions(n = 1606) Confirmed infection(n = 651)
Maternal age at registration (years) 32.0 ± 5.4 31.8 ± 5.5 28.6 ± 8.9
BMI (kg/m2)* 27.8 ± 6.4 28.2 ± 6.2
Maternal symptoms at presentation
Asymptomatic 1820 (75.9)
Fever 588/1216 (48.4) 134/349 (38.4) 195 (8.1)
New persistent cough 687/1216 (56.5) 130/349 (37.2)
Shortness of breath 343/1216 (28.2) 77/349 (22.1)
Upper respiratory tract infection 337 (14.0)
Lower respiratory tract infection 143 (6.0)
Chest pain 121/1216 (10.0) 20/349 (5.7)
Anosmia 229/1216 (18.8) 36/349 (10.3)
Anosmia/ageusia 75 (3.1)
Hoarse voice 101/1216 (8.3) 8/349 (2.3)
Myalgia 203/1216 (16.7) 34/349 (9.7)
Myalgia and fatigue 118 (4.9)
Fatigue 381/1216 (31.3) 49/349 (14.0)
Diarrhea 73/1216 (6.0) 22/349 (6.3)
GI symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea) 63 (2.6)
Loss of appetite 134/1216 (11.0) 24/349 (6.9)
Abdominal pain 34/1216 (2.8) 6/349 (1.7)
Delirium 14/1216 (1.2) 1/349 (0.3)
None of the above 159/1216 (13.1) 134/349 (38.4)
Other/nothing selected 99 (4.1)
European/North American 1066/1603 (66.5) 319/648 (49.2) 895 (37.3)
Middle Eastern 31/1603 (1.9) 11/648 (1.7)
Black/African 604 (25.2)
Northern African 18/1603 (1.1) 9/648 (1.4)
African south of Sahara/Caribbean 67/1603 (4.2) 38/648 (5.9)
Asian 100 (4.2)
Indian subcontinent 120/1603 (7.5) 79/648 (12.2)
South East Asian 148/1603 (9.2) 108/648 (16.7)
South–Middle American 13/1603 (0.8) 11/648 (1.7)
Other 140/1603 (8.7) 73/648 (11.3) 758 (31.6)
Unknown 42 (1.8)
  • Data are given as mean ± SD, n/N (%) or n (%). *Data available for 1585 and 648 women in UK and Global Pregnancy and Neonatal outcomes in COVID-19 (PAN-COVID) study all inclusions and PAN-COVID confirmed infection, respectively. AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; BMI, body mass index; GI, gastrointestinal; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; SONPM, Section on Neonatal–Perinatal Medicine.
Table 2. Maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in PAN-COVID study, overall and in those with confirmed infection, and in pregnancies with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in AAP-SONPM registry
Outcome PAN-COVID AAP-SONPM (n = 2399)
All inclusions(n = 1606) Confirmed infection(n = 651)
Maternal death 8/1605 (0.5) 3 (0.5) 4 (0.2)
Early neonatal death 3/1475 (0.2)† 2/614 (0.3)† 8/2431 (0.3)†
Pregnancy outcome
Live birth 1570/1601 (98.1) 631/647 (97.5) 2431/2446 (99.4)†
Miscarriage 23/1601 (1.4) 12/647 (1.9) 5/2446 (0.2)†
Intrauterine death/stillbirth 8/1601 (0.5) 4/647 (0.6) 10/2446 (0.4)†
Mode of delivery (all births)
Vaginal 880/1593 (55.2) 334/641 (52.1) 1498/2429 (61.7)†
Cesarean section 713/1593 (44.8) 307/641 (47.9) 931/2429 (38.3)†
Preterm delivery (live births only) 186/1551 (12.0) 100/622 (16.1) 382/2431 (15.7)†
Spontaneous onset of preterm labor and vaginal delivery (live births only) 47/1550 (3.0) 22/621 (3.5) 89/2429 (3.7)†
Preterm Cesarean section (live births only) 111/1551 (7.2) 63/622 (10.1) 245/2429 (10.1)†
GA at birth (live births)
22 + 0 to 26 + 6 weeks 7/1551 (0.5) 5/622 (0.8) 8/2431 (0.3)†
27 + 0 to 31 + 6 weeks 24/1551 (1.5) 15/622 (2.4) 47/2431 (1.9)†
32 + 0 to 36 + 6 weeks 155/1551 (10.0) 80/622 (12.9) 327/2431 (13.5)†
37 + 0 to 45 + 0 weeks 1365/1551 (88.0) 522/622 (83.9) 2049/2431 (84.3)†
Birth-weight (live births) percentile*
< 0.5 9/1423 (0.6) 3/577 (0.5) 4/2421 (0.2)†
0.5 to 2.0 16/1423 (1.1) 7/577 (1.2) 46/2421 (1.9)†
2.1 to 9.9 92/1423 (6.5) 46/577 (8.0) 182/2421 (7.5)†
10.0 to 25.0 219/1423 (15.4) 85/577 (14.7) 480/2421 (19.8)†
25.1 to 50.0 383/1423 (26.9) 167/577 (28.9) 714/2421 (29.5)†
50.1 to 75.0 383/1423 (26.9) 160/577 (27.7) 607/2421 (25.1)†
75.1 to 91.0 224/1423 (15.7) 77/577 (13.3) 262/2421 (10.8)†
91.1 to 98.0 75/1423 (5.3) 24/577 (4.2) 93/2421 (3.8)†
98.1 to 99.6 13/1423 (0.9) 3/577 (0.5) 18/2421 (0.7)†
> 99.6 9/1423 (0.6) 5/577 (0.9) 15/2421 (0.6)†
Birth-weight (live births) Z-score
All singletons/first-born multiples −0.03 ± 0.95 −0.10 ± 0.94 −0.18 ± 0.94†
Singletons only −0.03 ± 0.91‡ −0.11 ± 0.89¶
Positive neonatal SARS-CoV-2 swab among:
All tested neonates 14/152 (9.2)† 13/131 (9.9)† 44/2134 (2.1)†
All deliveries 14/1578 (0.9)§ 13/635 (2.0)§ 44/2441 (1.8)†
  • Data are given as mean ± SD, n/N (%) or n (%). Numbers are expressed as percentage of women, unless indicated otherwise. *All singletons and first-born multiples with gestational age (GA) between 22 and 45 weeks and Z-score between ±4. †Number expressed as percentage of individual neonates/fetuses. §Not all neonates were tested; data are presented for comparison with American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Neonatal–Perinatal Medicine (SONPM). ‡(n = 1391). ¶(n = 567). PAN-COVID, UK and Global Pregnancy and Neonatal outcomes in COVID-19 study; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Ethnicity classifications were based on those relevant to the origins of the study and are not directly comparable. In the PAN-COVID study, 1066/1603 (66.5%) women were European/North American, 31/1603 (1.9%) were Middle Eastern, 18/1603 (1.1%) were North African, 67/1603 (4.2%) were from Africa south of the Sahara or Caribbean, 120/1603 (7.5%) were from the Indian subcontinent, 148/1603 (9.2%) were South East Asian, 13/1603 (0.8%) were South or Middle American and 140/1603 (8.7%) had other ethnicity. In the AAP-SONPM study, 895 (37.3%) women were white, nine (0.4%) were American Indian or Alaska Native American, 12 (0.5%) were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, 604 (25.2%) were Black or African, 100 (4.2%) were Asian and 737 (30.7%) had other racial origin; in 35 (1.5%) women racial origin was unknown or not recorded, and in seven (0.3%) women this field was unanswered/blank. In the AAP-SONPM registry, there was almost an equal spread between Hispanic (n = 1170) and non-Hispanic (n = 1163) ethnicity (ethnicity was unknown or not reported in 66 women). Acknowledging the differences in national data ethnicity classifications, there were lower numbers of women of white ethnicity and higher numbers of women of black or Asian ethnicity than in historic birth statistics for the UK and USA (Table 3).

The PAN-COVID study collected data on premorbidities in pregnant women in both PAN-COVID overall (n = 1604) and in those with confirmed infection (n = 651); the majority of the women in both of these groups had no premorbidities (63.7% and 61.9%, respectively). Common premorbidities included gestational diabetes mellitus (n = 131; 8.2% and n = 63; 9.7%), respiratory disease such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n = 96; 6.0% and n = 32; 4.9%), pregnancy induced hypertension (n = 59; 3.7% and n = 30; 4.6%) and chronic hypertension (n = 28; 1.7% and n = 15; 2.3%). The PAN-COVID study reported on smoking status of the mothers. Among all women (n = 1600) and women with confirmed infection (n = 647), respectively, 88 (5.5%) and 25 (3.9%) continued smoking throughout pregnancy, 200 (12.5%) and 51 (7.9%) stopped smoking before becoming pregnant and 81 (5.1%) and 25 (3.9%) stopped smoking after conception.

In the PAN-COVID overall cohort, suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection occurred in the first, second or third trimester in 161/1554 (10.4%), 719/1554 (46.3%) and 674/1554 (43.4%) women, respectively; in those with confirmed infection, the corresponding rates were 7/620 (1.1%), 230/620 (37.1%) and 383/620 (61.8%), respectively.

Maternal mortality

Maternal death was reported in 8/1605 (0.50%) women overall in PAN-COVID, in 3/651 (0.46%) of those with confirmed infection and in 4/2399 (0.17%) AAP-SONPM registrants.


Vaginal delivery occurred in 880/1593 (55.2%) cases overall in the PAN-COVID study, in 334/641 (52.1%) of those with confirmed infection and in 1498/2429 (61.7%) AAP-SONPM cases. Preterm delivery (22 + 0 to 36 + 6 weeks' gestation) occurred in 186/1551 (12.0%) women overall in PAN-COVID, in 100/622 (16.1%) women with confirmed infection and in 382/2431 (15.7%) neonates in AAP-SONPM (Figure 1). The majority of the preterm deliveries occurred between 32 + 0 and 36 + 6 weeks' gestation. Spontaneous onset of preterm labor followed by preterm vaginal delivery occurred in 47/1550 (3.0%) women overall in PAN-COVID, in 22/621 (3.5%) of those with confirmed infection and in 89/2429 (3.7%) neonates in AAP-SONPM. Extreme preterm delivery (< 27 weeks' gestation) occurred in 0.5% of cases in PAN-COVID and in 0.3% in AAP-SONPM. Further details of the main outcomes for PAN-COVID and AAP-SONPM are presented in Table 4.

Details are in the caption following the image
Gestational age at delivery in pregnancies with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in PAN-COVID study, overall (image) and in those with confirmed infection (image), and in pregnancies with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in AAP-SONPM registry (image).
Table 3. UK and USA maternity ethnicity data
Ethnicity England & Wales28 USA24
White 71.6 51.6
Black 4.2 14.6
Asian 8.7 6.4
Other 15.5 27.4
  • Data are given as %.
Table 4. Difference in rates of adverse perinatal outcome between pregnancies with confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection in PAN-COVID study and pregnancies with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in AAP-SONPM registry
Outcome PAN-COVID (all inclusions) vs AAP-SONPM PAN-COVID (confirmed infection) vs AAP-SONPM
Preterm delivery −3.4 (−5.5 to −1.2) −0.7 (−2.4 to 4.1)
Intrauterine death/stillbirth 0.1 (−0.3 to 0.6) 0.2 (−0.3 to 1.1)
Early neonatal death −0.1 (−0.5 to 0.3) −0.01 (−0.4 to 0.8)
  • Data are given as percentage point difference (95% CI) in rate of outcome.

Birth weight

The proportion of cases with a SGA infant (birth weight < 10th percentile for GA) was 8.2% in PAN-COVID overall, 9.7% in those with confirmed infection and 9.6% in AAP-SONPM (Figure 2). Mean birth-weight Z-score in AAP-SONPM was significantly lower than that in PAN-COVID overall (percentage point difference, 0.14 (95% CI, 0.08–21.0)), but there was no difference noted between the confirmed infections in PAN-COVID and AAP-SONPM.

Details are in the caption following the image
Birth-weight percentiles of infants born to mothers with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in PAN-COVID study, overall (image) and in those with confirmed infection (image), and in pregnancies with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in AAP-SONPM registry (image).

Perinatal mortality

ENND occurred in 3/1475 (0.2%) infants overall in PAN-COVID, in 2/614 (0.3%) infants of women with confirmed infection in PAN COVID and in 8/2431 (0.3%) infants in AAP-SONPM. There were no differences in the rate of IUD or stillbirth between PAN-COVID overall (8/1601 (0.5%)), those with confirmed infection (4/647 (0.6%)) and AAP-SONPM (10/2446 (0.4%)) (Table 2).

Neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection

Neonatal SARS-CoV-2 screening was carried out in 2134/2431 (87.8%) liveborn infants in AAP-SONPM and in 152/1593 (9.5%) in PAN-COVID overall. When considering all deliveries, a neonatal swab positive for SARS-CoV-2 was found in 44/2441 (1.8%) infants in AAP-SONPM, in 14/1578 (0.9%) infants in PAN-COVID overall and in 13/635 (2.0%) infants of women with confirmed infection in PAN-COVID.


Maternal deaths related to suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection were uncommon in both the PAN-COVID and AAP-SONPM studies. However, maternal death before discharge from hospital affected a higher proportion of cases compared to the rates reported in UK population surveillance studies (9.8 women per 100 000 maternities)14. Maternal mortality in both the PAN-COVID and AAP-SONPM registries was lower

than in other cohort studies of pregnant women admitted to hospital with SARS-CoV-2 infection8, 15, 16. This is likely to be due to the low proportion of pregnant women with infection who were diagnosed and eligible for inclusion. By 1 July 2020, 250 000 cases of COVID-19 had been diagnosed in England, and it was estimated that there had been 3.4 million infections, i.e. fewer than 10% of infections were known17, 18. When compared to the estimated infection fatality ratio of 0.03% in women and men aged 15–44 years in the UK REACT 2 study18, on the assumption that only 10% of infections in pregnant women are diagnosed, our expected mortality ratio would be 10-fold less than we report, and this accords more closely with the reported fatality ratio.

On the other hand, the high perinatal maternal mortality rate of 167 per 100 000 cases in AAP-SONPM, compared to a pre-COVID-19 rate of 17.3 per 100 000 cases to 1 year after birth, cannot be attributed to underinclusion of women with asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Early in the pandemic, most USA centers implemented universal COVID-19 testing of all pregnant women admitted to the labor and delivery unit. In both registries, when the cause of death was known, all maternal deaths were associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection and, hence, each death represents an additional mortality above the expected baseline rate.

Neither registry reported any neonatal deaths attributable to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The proportion of pregnancies affected by ENND was no higher than would be expected based on England and Wales Office for National Statistics (ONS) data (0.2%)19 or on the USA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data (0.38%)20. An increase in prematurity might be expected to lead to an increase in ENND; however, most preterm babies were born between 32 and 36 weeks' gestation, when the risk for ENND is low.

In both studies, suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection resulted in fewer than 10% of babies being born SGA and did not change the expected distribution of birth-weight Z-scores. The proportion of pregnancies resulting in stillbirth (1 in 200) is comparable to that reported in a UK population surveillance study (5.64 per 1000 total births)21, slightly greater than that reported in provisional ONS data for January to September 2020 (0.39%)22 and comparable to that reported in USA National Vital Statistics System data (611.7 per 100 000 live births)23. This is reassuring given that case reports of pregnant women with MERS or SARS infection suggested increased rates of stillbirth and FGR4.

Common to both registries was a high proportion of cases with preterm delivery: 12.0% in PAN-COVID and 15.7% in AAP-SONPM. The rate was 60% higher in PAN-COVID than is expected for England and Wales based on ONS data for January to September 2020 (7.5%)22, and 57% higher in AAP-SONPM than expected based on USA National Vital Statistics reports for 2018 (10%)24. As the proportion of women with spontaneous labor and preterm vaginal delivery was low, a high proportion of preterm deliveries may have been due to physician concern about adverse effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the maternal or fetal condition.

Case series have reported low rates of perinatal transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection9, 25, 26. The proportion of positive neonatal tests for SARS-CoV-2 was approximately 9% in PAN-COVID overall and 10% in those with confirmed infection. A lower rate of 2% was found in AAP-SONPM. This difference reflects the near-universal testing strategy in AAP-SONPM (2134 of 2431 (88%) live births) and selective testing in PAN-COVID (152/1593 (9.5%) neonates tested).

Strengths and weaknesses

This combined PAN-COVID and AAP-SONPM report comprises the largest individual patient dataset of maternal and neonatal outcomes among women with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. There are some differences in the populations, for example in mean maternal age and ethnicity distributions; however, demographic and outcome data from these two registries are otherwise comparable and support the generalizability of the findings.

Preterm delivery was more frequent in both cohorts than expected from contemporaneous and historical UK and USA national data; the proportions of cases with spontaneous preterm vaginal delivery and preterm Cesarean section were comparable between the studies despite the different healthcare settings.

In the PAN-COVID study, the higher than expected proportion of women included who died can be explained in part by underascertainment of pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 who had mild or asymptomatic infection and the registry study design.

Although data were collected from a range of healthcare settings, the majority of participants originated from the USA and UK, with 11.1% of women in the PAN-COVID study being from centers in Italy, China, Greece, Indonesia or India. This was a center-based registry and centers with little exposure to COVID-19 or those which were overwhelmed during the pandemic may have been less motivated or able to participate.

In the PAN-COVID study, it was difficult to associate SARS-CoV-2 infection directly with miscarriage. Patient inclusion occurred during the height of the pandemic, when many early-pregnancy units were closed in the UK. It is plausible that a higher proportion of women than usual may have miscarried without seeking help from a healthcare professional.

Policymakers and healthcare providers

Although maternal death was uncommon, a higher proportion of women participating in these studies died in comparison to contemporaneous and historical national rates of maternal mortality in the UK and USA. In PAN-COVID, this was due in part to underascertainment of women with SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy who had mild or asymptomatic infection.

It is reassuring that SARS-COV-2 infection does not appear to change the expected birth-weight distribution or increase the rate of stillbirth. The proportion of women with preterm birth, as reported in other cohorts and meta-analyses8, 10, 27, is higher than expected in comparison with national contemporaneous and historical data, but may have been influenced by provider decision to deliver early to prevent potential maternal or infant morbidity.


These data support public health guidance issued by numerous countries that advises pregnant women to exercise effective measures to reduce their risk of infection. The data also support priority vaccination of pregnant women and women who plan to become pregnant, in order to reduce the likelihood of preterm delivery and maternal mortality. Such guidance could be incorporated into preconception recommendations by national clinical advisory bodies.

The likelihood of, and risk factors for, true perinatal transmission to the neonate remain ill-defined and poorly understood. National and international healthcare bodies should develop recommendations for the timing and modality of testing of neonates born to pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection to facilitate consistent and meaningful evaluation of vertical transmission.


Participating centers and investigators are listed in Appendices S1 and S2. PAN-COVID was funded by the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and supported by UK Clinical Research Network (CRN) and the Urgent Public Health committee. We are grateful to Dr Nigel Simpson for his advice throughout the study. E.M. was funded by a NIHR academic clinical lecturer award. C.C.L. is supported by the UK NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) based at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Imperial College London, London, UK. The AAP-SONPM was funded by the University of Florida College of Medicine, Division of Neonatology, Jacksonville, FL, USA and by the in-kind contributions of participating centers. We thank Karina Aashamar, study management and administration, Women's Health Research Centre, Imperial College London. Infrastructure support for this research was provided by the NIHR Imperial BRC. We are grateful for the support provided by NIHR CRN in England and for the work of Abiola Ojuade and Regimantas Pestininkas at North West London CRN. We thank the PAN-COVID data team at the Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University: Rebecca Milton, Nigel Kirby, Matthew Robinson-Burt, Christopher Lloyd and Kim Munnery. We are grateful to Prof. Helen Ward, Imperial College London, for her comments on this manuscript.

The PAN-COVID registry is funded by the United Kingdom Research Institute (UKRI) and NIHR through COVID-19 Rapid Response Call 2, grant reference: MC_PC 19066. The AAP-SONPM Registry is funded by the University of Florida College of Medicine, Division of Neonatology.

    Data sharing

    PAN-COVID: deidentified participant data will be made available to the scientific community with as few restrictions as feasible, whilst retaining exclusive use until the publication of major outputs. Data will be available via the corresponding author. AAP-SONPM: registry cannot share data due to data use agreements with many of the participating centers that prohibit this.


    PAN-COVID: De-identified participant data will be made available to the scientific community with as few restrictions as feasible, whilst retaining exclusive use until the publication of major outputs. Data will be available via the corresponding author.

    AAP SONPM: Registry cannot share data due to Data Use Agreements with many of the participating centers that prohibit this.